The Dragon’s Cook

The Dragon’s Cook

BY ERIK BUNDY Published in Silver Blade Magazine, Fall 2013 A dragon named Fume lived in the mountainous dukedom of Etbourg. He was over three hundred years old, the size of an overweight pony, often bit his front claws (nerves), and had leathery wings that squeaked...
Flutter Fruit

Flutter Fruit

BY ERIK BUNDY Published in Metro Fiction, March 2014 Cody’s hospital room smelled of chlorine and peppermint. I waited while the nurse in a pink smock injected medicine into his IV drip. She wished me a nice day and left. I crossed two fingers and pressed them against...
Whistle Pig and Ale

Whistle Pig and Ale

BY ERIK BUNDY Published by Crowded Magazine, September 2014, Australia Jaella was translating Arabic ghazals into English when she felt Nagdaddy’s cringing terror, the spasm squeezing through her stomach. With her hands pressed against her belly, she crept to the...